A VOICE trip is not a normal short term mission trip. An applicant must be prepared to live and minister on a team for up to 11 months. With this in mind, we carefully consider all of our applicants, looking for people with good character, spiritual maturity, and a willingness to serve.
In the application you will be asked some self-evaluating questions. We are not looking for "perfect people", but we know that as you minister, you will face difficulties, challenges, and times of discouragement. Your self-evaluation will give the VOICE staff and your team leader important information that we need as we endeavor to minister and grow together. We ask that you take time to carefully and honestly answer the questions in the application.
Basic Application and Paperwork
EMAIL us a photocopy of the biographical page of your passport. (The page that has your picture)
If you do not yet have a passport, please apply for one immediately. It can take up to six weeks to process a passport application. Applications may be submitted at a Federal Passport Agency or qualified post office.
The State Department’s website can provide information about how to obtain a passport and where to find the nearest passport office.
If you already have a passport, make sure that it does not expire for at least six months after the conclusion of your trip.
To apply for VOICE Missions, you will need to have two references, one from your pastor, and one from a teacher or employer.
Be sure to contact your references as soon as possible. We will not process your application until your references have been received.
You will receive an email notification when we receive your references.
You may send your references the following weblink, or click on the buttons below to access the reference forms:
Pastor's Reference - http://www.voicemissions.org/apply/pastors_reference.php
Teacher/Employer's Reference - http://www.voicemissions.org/apply/teacher-employer_reference.php
After we receive all of your applications and required documents we will contact you to schedule an interview.
Background Check
Because you will be working very closely with children, you are required to complete this background check! You will need to pay $25-$50 depending on your state for this background check. All of your information will be securely processed by the professionals at Protect My Ministry and results will be forwarded to VOICE Missions.
Apply for a Visa
If you are accepted to serve in VOICE Missions, you will need to apply for a Taiwanese visa.
Your sponsor will cover the cost of your airplane ticket and living expenses. However, you are responsible to pay the filing fee for your Taiwanese visa (approx. $160).
Do not apply for a visa before we tell you to! After your application has been processed you will receive an email with the correct visa application, and important details on how to apply.
Complete Pre-Trip Training
You will need to complete a TESOL training course and become TESOL certified before departing for Taiwan. You may complete this training at your local college or online. In order to qualify for the VOICE Missions trip your TESOL training must be 60 hours or more. Visit our Requirements page for more information.
Because you will be working with young children you will also need to complete a child safety course. We will email this course to you after you pass the background check.
If you have any questions or concerns about the application, process please contact us »