Here are some frequently asked questions. If these don't answer all of your questions, feel free to contact us.

What does ‘VOICE’ stand for?
VOICE stands for Visualizing Opportunities In Character and English.
What does the VOICE Missions do?
VOICE Missions provide a way for Christian young people to work and minister as volunteer English teachers in Taiwan.
How long is the commitment for a VOICE trip?
VOICE volunteers commit to teach for a whole school year (about 11 months) from late August to late July.
Do I get paid?
You will be coming to Taiwan as a volunteer, so you will not be paid a salary. However, your sponsor will give you a stipend that will be enough to cover all of your living expenses while you are here.
What costs am I expected to cover?
You need to pay for your TESOL training, background check, discipleship course, and Taiwanese visa. Your flight to and from Taiwan is covered by your sponsor. Your stipend is enough to cover all normal living expenses while in Taiwan.
What are the rules/expectations?
Rules will be explained at orientation. Expectations are that you conduct yourself with integrity as a self-sufficient, responsible adult.
How do I get TESOL certified?
There are many online schools that offer TESOL training, you may also check with local colleges to see if they offer TESOL certification classes. For more information, visit our TESOL training page.
Can I pick which team I’m on?
While you are free to make a request, we’ll put you where we need you and where we believe God is leading us to put you in order to make the best team possible. Flexibility is key to serving here!
What are the expected work hours?
Generally our volunteers only teach for about 15 hours a week, but they may spend up to 40 hours a week at their schools. This extra time at school is often spent lesson planning, or talking with/playing games with the students.
Who pays for the flights over and back?
The sponsor will pay the entire cost of the flight IF the VOICE Mission volunteer fulfills their contract in Taiwan. If we fire a VOICE Missions teacher or if they need to go home early they may be required to reimburse the sponsor for a portion of their travel expenses.

What are the Taiwanese people like?
The Taiwanese are very friendly and interested in foreigners, so building friendships is easy.
What is the island of Taiwan like?
Tropical, small, mountainous, rainy, humid, first world, safe, beautiful, and a blast to explore.
What languages are spoken in Taiwan?
Mandarin Chinese is most common, followed by Taiwanese, English, and the Formosan Tribal languages.
Is Taiwan safe?
Yes, Taiwan is ranked as one of the safest nations in the world. Taiwan’s low crime rate makes many people consider it a safer place than America.
Are there weather-related dangers present in Taiwan?
Taiwan is usually hit by a few typhoons and hundreds of small earthquakes every year. Most of the buildings here are built to withstand typhoons and earthquakes. Because Taiwan is on a geological fault there is always the chance that a big earthquake will strike. The last big earthquake was in 1999.
Does Taiwan require shots?
No. Shots are optional. It’s highly recommended to have an updated tetanus shot before traveling.
How can I best prepare for Taiwan?
Besides the pre-trip training that we have, prospective volunteers can take the time to start learning about the language and culture in Taiwan. Spiritual preparation is also important since VOICE Missions volunteers often encounter intense spiritual warfare while serving in Taiwan.
Is a Christian in any danger in Taiwan?
Taiwan has complete freedom of religion. Christians are free to worship and share their faith without fear of government persecution.

Can I complete my college degree while working with VOICE Missions?
Yes, but because of scheduling it is impractical for teachers to study at a local university. The VOICE Missions volunteers who are working on their college while serving here all study in online American colleges. (Liberty University is the most popular choice)
Are scholarships available?
Yes, HTC Foundation will provide a scholarship to VOICE Missions volunteers who return for a second year.
How much time will I have to devote to studies?
This depends on how good they are a time management. Usually our volunteers do not have enough time to study full time (4 classes) and most of them choose to do 1-3 classes at a time. Any weekend, evening, or office time that is not spent in ministry or school is open for study.
Will I have opportunities to learn Chinese?
Yes, VOICE Missions volunteers are provided with a Chinese tutor free of charge. Additional tutoring can be obtained by participating in language exchanges.

Are there opportunities available for a promotion and career goals?
Since VOICE Missions is a volunteer organization there are no opportunities for promotion in VOICE Missions, but the contacts that you make while serving as a volunteer can be important if you chose to pursue a professional career in Taiwan.
Is there a possibility of working with a Taiwanese company in the future?
In order to work on a professional level in Taiwan, you must have a college degree. And if you want to teach professionally in the public schools you must have a college degree and an American teacher’s license. Taiwanese schools are always looking for more foreign teachers so it is very easy to get a job with the Department of Education.
How easy would it be to transition to live in Taiwan permanently?
If you have a college degree and/or a teaching license it is very easy to transition to living permanently in Taiwan. Many former VOICE Missions volunteers are now living permanently in Taiwan.